19 September 2006

I fucking hate his guts

I hate my dad. I hate him so much. He's such a fucking asshole.

I'm going to study abroad in France next semester and he "doesn't endorse it." Meaning he's not paying a fucking dime.

I hate him. I just called him and left him a nasty message saying how mad I was.

I hate that whole fucking side of the family.

As far as I'm concerned, if I never spoke to them or saw them again, it would be too fucking soon.


Anonymous said...

Are you a French major? Why Paris? (It's pretty expensive too--makes NYC look cheap.)

Becca said...

No, I'm not a French major, but I've been studing French since middle school.

Plus, Paris is my most favorite city in the world and this is a dream opportunity to be able to live there for 4 months!