29 June 2006
23 June 2006
Bye- Bye Kitty-Kitty
My mom just told me my cat Sophie died this week. She drowned in our pool! It's just awful!
She was so sweet and cuddly! She could never get close enough to ya...
First we have to give my doggie away and now my poor kitty!
Can't a gal catch a break?!
Created by
6/23/2006 09:06:00 PM
love notes
I Want a Sunday Kind Of Love...
Sunday morning (Day 2) my eyes slowly open in the early morning light. I peek at the clock and see it’s just about 9:30. I slink out of Jefferson’s arms and tiptoe into the bathroom, emptying my bladder, and giving my teeth a quick brush.
I roll back into bed and slip back in Jefferson’s embrace as he squeezes me tight. We drift back off for a little bit. Later I hear Jefferson stir and he slips away to the bathroom. I steal a glace at the time, and it’s just about 10:30. He returns back to bed shortly and grabs me tight again.
“Good morning” I say turning to face him.
“Good morning” he says smiling at me.
We kiss sweetly, our lips pressing together and his tongue darting in and out of my mouth, dancing with my tongue.
Jefferson pulls back and looks sweetly at me. I blush, looking down and smile. He gently brushes my bangs out of my eyes and places kisses on my cheeks, nose, forehead and eyes.
I nuzzle my face in the crook of his neck, content just to be held by him.
But he has other ideas.
He kisses my neck and takes a nipple in his mouth. I arch my back in response, pushing my breasts closer to him.
He rolls me over and lies on top of me between my legs. His hands gently hold my face as his mouth connects with mine.
“I want to fuck you now” he says reaching for a condom.
I watch as he rolls on the condom and push into me. I groan, like every time, at that first entrance. I think it’s my absolute favorite moment and feeling during sex.
I gaze up at him as he takes me tenderly in his arms. Jefferson’s lips graze over mine; his tongue slightly dancing with mine. I pull him tighter, his arms encircling me.
I bury my face in his chest as he sweetly makes love to me. His pelvis rocks firmly against my clit, and soon I cry out and cum.
As I recover, Jefferson pushes up on his hands and sets to fucking me faster. I draw my legs up closer to my chest allowing him access to my g-spot. My eyes close and I start moaning loudly as he thrusts against it. I can feel myself already getting closer to orgasm. Soon Jefferson straightens up and grabs my legs pushing them further back. He thrusts into me harder and faster and I move my fingers to my clit and quickly draw out an intense, long orgasm.
He slows down and I smile up at him once I catch my breath.
“Turn over, I’m going to beat you now” he says standing up and pulling his condom off.
I grab a sip of water before moving to the bottom of the bed. I lay on my stomach- a more relaxed position then on my knees (meaning I can take a bit more).
Jefferson starts with a few strokes from his hand to warm my skin up. I feel my ass start to heat up and when it’s pleasantly pink (I’m guessing) Jefferson picks up the first piece of arsenal in his collection.
I hear it before I feel it- the “whap” of it in the air, up above Jefferson’s head. Within milliseconds I feel it land against my flesh. It feels like it weighs 100 pounds and it sets my ass afire immediately. Each swat sends me deeper into sub-space.
I feel the sensations change as Jefferson moves through the implements. The thud of the whip, versus the burn of the slapper, versus the sting of the cane.
Once Jefferson finishes, ending with the cane, he puts it down and joins me on the bed. We rest a bit, just cuddling together. When we finally make it out of bed it’s already 1:00.
It’s time for lunch!
Jefferson serves us up some yummy tuna sandwiches (his secret ingredient is adding sweet curry which makes it really, really yummy!). We chat about this and that. Well, it’s mostly be because I, well, I talk a lot, lol.
We put our dishes in the sink when Jefferson poses to me, “So, wanna fuck some more?”
Already naked, we hop in bed and kiss a bit before Jefferson climbs on top of me, dons a condom, and sets to fucking me.
“Think you can come one more time today?”
“Oh I think I can manage that.”
Jefferson positions me to where his cock hits my g-spot best and in no time I’m gripping him tight as an orgasm rips through me. We kiss before Jefferson pulls out and moves to my side.
“I have to kick you out soon”
“I know.”
Eventually we break apart and I dress as Jefferson slips on some PJ bottoms.
I lazily make my way to the door, not really wanting to leave.
“But I get to see you tomorrow!” I say smiling as we kiss goodbye at the door.
“I know! 3 days in a row.”
“And I get to christen my strap-on. My first boy…”
"It's all very exciting."
Technorati Tags: sex, sexblogs, BDSM, spanking, cane, Strap-on, Tuna, Sweet Curry
Created by
6/23/2006 02:19:00 AM
1 love notes
Categories: Sex Story
22 June 2006
21 June 2006
It's 2 AM and I should be sleepy...
But I'm not. Here it goes:
The ones that are TRUE for me are in BOLD...
I’ve Never French-Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex.
I’ve Never French-Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex.
I've Never Had Sex With A Member Of The Opposite Sex.
I've Never Had Sex With A Member Of The Same Sex.
I’ve Never Had A Threesome.
I’ve Never Been In Love.
I’ve Never Had Sex In A Public Place.
I’ve Never Had Group Intercourse.
I’ve Never Been Spanked.
I’ve Never Been Tied Up.
I’ve Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone.
I’ve Never Made Out With A Stranger.
I’ve Never Gone On A Blind Date.
I’ve Never Had A Crush On A Teacher or Professor.
I’ve Never Slept With A Co-Worker.
I’ve Never Had Sex At The Office. (Well, not my office...)
I’ve Never Been Married.
I’ve Never Been Divorced.
I’ve Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week.
I’ve Never Posed Nude.
I've Never Watched Porn.
I’ve Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them.
I’ve Never Received Scars From My Sex Partner.
I’ve Never Had Sex At A Friend’s House While They Were Throwing A Party.- Does it count if it was a sex party?
I’ve Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room.
I’ve Never Flashed Anyone.
I’ve Never Met Anyone From Online.
I've Never Cheated On My Significant Other.
I've Never Masturbated.
I've Never Used A Sex Toy On Myself.
I've Never Used A Sex Toy On Someone Else.
I've Never Danced On A Table Or Bar.
I've Never Strip-Teased For Anyone.
I've Never Received A Rim Job.
I've Never Given A Rim Job.
I've Never Received A Hand Job.
I've Never Given A Hand Job.
I've Never Had Sex In A Hammock.- Hey Jefferson, I have a hammock...let's do it there this summer!! Super quiet though hehehe.
I've Never Performed Oral Sex.
I've Never Received Oral Sex.
I've Never Had Anal Sex.
I've Never Had Sex involving a strap-on.
I've Never Given/Received A Golden Shower.
I've Never Had Sex With Someone While Fantasizing About Having Sex With
Someone Else.
I've Never Had A Sex Dream.
I've Never Had An Orgasm By Myself.
I've Never Had An Orgasm With/By Someone Else.
I've Never Had Phone Sex.
I've Never Had Cyber Sex.
I've Never Role-Played.
I've Never Played Strip Poker.
Technorati Tags: sex blog, bored, lists, sex lists, never done lists
Created by
6/21/2006 02:10:00 AM
1 love notes
Categories: about me, fun things, survey
20 June 2006
Dug Out From the Boxes in the Basement
Rédaction 1-
Sur ma planète, je serais le chef- "la Reine Avah." Le temps serait parfais tous les jour. Il n'y aurait pas de pluie parce que les plantes et les arbres auraient d'eau d'une autre source. Il y aurait cependant de la neige dans les montanges pour les ski.
En termes de l'humanité, il n'y aurait pas de la guerre, la faim, la haine, la cruauté, et autre choses de ce genre. Ma planète serait similaire à la terre étant donné que ma planète serait juste comme culturelement diverse. Les cultures seraient fêtées et embrassées.
L'éducation serait disponible à tout le monde. L'éducation serait la meillure qualité aussi. La connaissence serait amusante.
Sur ma planète, j'habiterais dans une bonne maison avec ma famille et mes amies. Le bâtiment du government se trouverait à côté de ma maison pour que je sois disponsible pour consulter. Le gouvernment serait équitable et il reagirait dans le meillure intêret de toutes des personnes. Et, il y aurait un gouvernment central qui travaille avec d'autres gouvernments.
On my planet, I would be the leader- "Queen Avah." The weather would be perfect everyday. There would never be rain because the plants and trees would get water from another source. It would sometimes snow in the mountains for skiing.
In terms of humanity, there would be no war, hunger, hate, cruelty, and other things like this. My planet would be similar to the earth in that my planet would be just as culturally diverse. The cultures would be celebrated and embraced.
Education would be given to everyone. Education would be the best quality too. Learning would be fun.
On my planet, I would live in a great house with my family and friends. The government building would be located next to my house so that I am available for consultation. The government would be fair and would act in the best interest of everyone. And it would be a central government that works with others.
L'amitié est très important pour moi parce que je ne senti pas seul quand je sais que j'avais mes amies autour de moi. Ma meilleure amie est Alex. J'adore Alex comme si elle était ma sœur. Nous aimons faire tout ensemble. Nous nous sommes amusées quand nous sommes allées au Mexico. Je n'ai jamais eu une amie tell spéciale. Notre amitié est basée sur l'amour, la confiance, la vérité, et le soutien inconditionnel. Je ferias n'importe quoi pour Alex. La mort de la mere d'Alex me fait la mort dans l'âme. Je veux être une amie pour Alex, mais elle me pusse à l'écart. Mais autant qu'elle pousse, ne ne l'abandonnerai jamias.
Friendship is very important to me because I don't feel alone when I know that I have my friends around me. My best friend is Alex. I love Alex like she were my sister. We love to do everything together. We had fun when we went to Mexico. I've never had a friend so special. Our friendship is based on love, trust, truth, and unconditional support. The death of her mother made me so sad. I want to be a friend for Alex, but she pushes me away. But although she pushes, I will never abandon her.
Si j'étais né sur un autre continent, je vourdrais habiter dans Paris. J'habiterais dans un appartement sur une petite rue tranquille. Tous les jours, je me lèverais et je me promènerais à la boulangerie locale à obtenir une baguette fraîche pour le matin. Après mon petit-déjeuner de pain et de yaourt, je marcherais au métro. Si le jour était libre pour moi, j'irais au Musée d'Orsay. Je suis sûr que je ne partirais pas jusqu'à j'aurais trop faim pour moi voir correctment. Pour dîner, je mangerais au café sur la rue. Comme je mangerais, je observais les personnes passer devant moi sur la rue. J'irais alors à ma maison, irais au lit, et tomberais endormi aux bruits éloignés de la vie parsienne de nuit.
If I was born on another contient, I would live in Paris. I would live in an apartment on a small, quiet street. Every day, I would get up and walk to the local bakery and get a fresh baguette for the morning. After breakfast of bread and yogurt, I would walk to the metro. If the day was free for me, i would go to Musee d'Orsay. I am sure that I wouldn't leave until I was too hungry for me to see correctly. For dinner, I would eat at a cafe on the street. While I ate, I would watch the people passing in front of me on the street. I would then go home, go to bed and would fall asleep to the sounds of the Parisian night.
Created by
6/20/2006 11:28:00 PM
love notes
Categories: fun things
Bye-Bye Pup-Pup
Today my family gave away our sweet, beautiful, annoying golden.
We gave him to a man that will love him sooo much more.
My mom and I will miss him more than my step-dad. But that's expected since he just never stopped barking. And chased the cats to where they lived outside and were afraid to even come home to eat!
But at least he'll be loved.
Plus, I lost a pillowcase. Not an hour after I opened the package. And then I chipped a nail!
Mitzi thinks maybe God hates me.... I would certainly hope not! I mean, my Yankees did win tonight...
Created by
6/20/2006 11:14:00 PM
love notes
18 June 2006
Avah's Pensive Mood
I'm feeling particuarly pensive these days- and it's getting in the way of my creativity unfortunately, hence the delay in my story postings.
But I've also been feeling so stressed too. I need a mental vacation. Very far away from New Jersey. Except I'm broke. (Which is why I'm stressed...)
Should anyone like to help save my sanity by helping to fund a mental vacation, I would love you forever and give you lots of shout outs on the blog.
Created by
6/18/2006 09:02:00 AM
love notes
Categories: Random musings
15 June 2006
14 June 2006
This is for Jake
I have a fan! :-D And he wrote to me and asked if I might possibly post some more revealing pictures...well, who am I to disappoint a fan?
Here's something from my activities with Jefferson yesterday...
Created by
6/14/2006 10:47:00 AM
love notes
Categories: pictures
13 June 2006
Sugasm #36
This week’s best of the sex blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Want in Sugasm #37? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form. Participants, repost the linklist by the end of next Monday night and you’re all set.
Sugasm Schedule is as follows:
Wednesday - Post request goes up
Friday - Submissions close at midnight PST
Monday - Sugasm is posted; last day to post the previous Sugasm
We’re back on track and good things are coming. Thanks for participating!
Get Asia Argento’s Panties (sugarbank.com)
For The Girls Launches Erotic Fiction Competition (msnaughty.com)
Win the Cheese (nyc-urban-gypsy.blogspot.com)
Black Ball 14 giugno 2006 (deboratravslave.erosblog.it)
Erotic Writing and Experiences
Time of the Month (edinerotica.blogspot.com)
To Caitlin’s Tits, and Well Beyond (totalsensuality.blogspot.com)
A Fantasy Story, by Me (dontwakethekids.blogspot.com)
Thigh Highs, No Panties and Red Wine (wetbeyondbelief.blogspot.com)
Look Through Any Window - Part Five (theholidaylife.blogspot.com)
I Want… (easilyaroused.co.uk)
The Best Sex I Ever Had (dawnndirty.blogspot.com)
Fiction: Compromise (erotiterrorist.blogspot.com)
Temptation (pleasinglydebauched.blogspot.com)
Nightdreaming (gentlygently.blogspot.com)
Coming Upside Down (alwaysarousedgirl.blogspot.com)
Waking Sleeping Beauty (aliferestarted.blogspot.com)
Naughty Night with Stiletto Girl and K (darkside-journey.blogspot.com)
Assignation (talktovanessa.com)
Watch Him (by Super Secret Guest Author) (domequeen.blogspot.com)
Last Night’s Fun (seanandmel.blogspot.com)
Created by
6/13/2006 11:50:00 PM
love notes
Categories: Sugasm
11 June 2006
New Layout!!
Created by
6/11/2006 12:01:00 PM
love notes
Sometimes we Need a Little Reminder
Created by
6/11/2006 10:37:00 AM
love notes
Categories: Cartoon
10 June 2006
Fun With Numbers
Well, it's been two full months since I've started this blog, and the relative success of it astounds me really. So lets examine some stats for fun!
Visitors by the number:
- In April we started of slowly with only 413 unique visitors with 713 page loads and only 84 returning visitors.
- May surged with 5,772 unique visitors with 9,860 page loads and 604 people came back!
- June is starting off a little slow with just 1,825 unique visitors and 2,946 page loads and 289 repeats so far...
- Jefferson is my top referrer, directing well over 1,100 visitors my way- thank you baby!
- The Sexoteric blog is second, a distant second though with just under 600
- Fleshbot is third from when Chelsea Girl included me in her Weekly Blog Round up last week with not quite 400 referrals
- Most (4,400) visitors are looking at the main page
- But my Does this look sexual to you? proved to be very popular with 1,500 hits
- And my "I think I love you, but what am I so afraid of..." post was popluar, mostly among the search engines with just about 600 hits.
What the hell are they looking for?
- The great majority of my search engine activity comes from people's various ways of searching for the lyrics to the Partridge Family song. Oy vey are some people getting an eyefull!
- Some people search for my site specifically
- But here are the interesting key words people use: "kneel and suck"
- How to keep him sexually pleased
- Why does my throat close off when coughing?
- He guides me down to my knees and pulls out his cock
- Submissive
- submissive man blogspot
- what does a cock ring look like
- moan and clench
- jerking off around me
- pin my wrists
- clit naked women blogspot pics
- sensual women undress blog
- the fingering of piches (er?)
- wet moan story
- why does the throat close when you eat (huh???)
- her cock in me
- into me
- what does jerking off look like (lol)
- blog sucks on my nipples
- blindfold, gasp, behind, gentle
- And there's more, but I think you get the idea...
- 67% are from the Good ol' U.S.ofA.
- 7% from Oh Canada
- 6% from the Motherland (the UK)
- 2.5% from Germany
- 2% from Australia
- 1.2% from France
- 1% from New Zealand
They're still using IE?
- Much to my dismay over 55% of people are using some form of Internet Explorer
- Firefox is in a distant second with just around 27% of users
- Then of course Opera claims a few poor souls, a small number of Netscape users still around and then some obscure ones I've never heard of: iCab, Konqueror, OmniWeb, and Camino
Well I hope you had a much fun with this I did! Lol. :-P
Stay tuned for Sunday Morning!
Technorati Tags: Stats, Fun, search engine, key words, visitors, page loads, sex, sex blogs, erotica
Created by
6/10/2006 12:05:00 PM
love notes
Categories: fun things
"And she wore blue velvet..."
The Tuesday following my shopping trip with Chore Boy just so happened to be my debut at Jefferson's biweekly bisexual orgies. But I'm skipping over writing about it because, well, because I feel like it. I'm sure Gabriel (whom I met that night) might be a little disappointed, but I'll get to our night in time...
But as the events so happened to play out, I didn't get to spend any time with Jefferson. So I was aching hard for him.
My weekend plans having gotten cancelled, Saturday night became our date night. (Day 1).
I was in the mood for something intense, and let him know this ahead of time.
"Remember how intense my birthday was? Kick it up 10 notches..."
"You want intensity, huh? Maybe I can manage that" he responds.
I drive myself into the city that Saturday, arriving at Jefferson's at 7.
I knock on the door and a smiling Jefferson appears. I walk in and we kiss hello.
As I set my purse down he says to me “Make your self comfortable, I’m just going to go shave my stubble.”
“Aw, I don’t mind stubble” I say rubbing his scratchy cheek.
“Well you might against your pussy” he says rubbing his cheek against mine.
“Mmm, yes. Go shave” I laugh.
I watch as he retreats to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. A moment later I hear the water running. I help myself to a glass of water and rest on the couch listening to the radio and watching the sun starting to set.
A few moments later I move to the bedroom, undress and slip under the covers.
It isn’t much later before Jefferson emerges from the bathroom.
“I was hoping to find you here” he says entering the room.
“Well, it didn’t make sense to sit on the couch all clothed. And why are you still dressed?” I ask.
“I’m getting there my dear” he says pulling his t-shirt over his head and dropping his pajama bottoms on the ground.
I pull back the covers as he crawls into bed; I slide my body into his arms and he holds me tightly, his tongue exploring my mouth.
We break apart and look at each other.
“Mmm, I missed you” I tell him.
“I know. Me too baby.”
We spend a few moments just holding each other and touching, enjoying the company.
“Baby I love how you touch me”
“Good, cause I don’t plan on stopping” he responds.
Jefferson then throws back the covers and makes his way to between my legs leaving kisses and bite marks in his trail.
A patch of skin on my stomach makes its way between his teeth. I squirm under him, trying to endure it. I focus on controlling my breathing until I’m at the point where I can stand it.
Jefferson, sensing this, bites harder.
I buck and yell under him until he releases.
But just seconds later I’m moaning as his tongue makes contact with my exposed clit. I relax into the pillows and run my hands through Jefferson’s hair. I think about grabbing my camera and taking a picture for me to enjoy, but decide against it, not wanting to distract him.
I feel his fingers enter me and start rubbing at my g-spot. My hips jump up and I start moaning louder. My pussy clenches tighter around his fingers as he pumps them faster. His mouth moves from my clit as he looks up at me. My fingers replace his tongue and I rub furiously, cumming loudly. He keeps fingering me, adding a 3rd finger.
"How's that feel?" he asks me.
I nod my head "Good."
"I'm going to try 4, ok?"
"Mm-hmm" I shake my head yes.
He inserts the 4th finger and I moan loudly, feeling so full and stretched.
"Still OK?"
I nod my head.
He thrusts gently, making me moan and buck.
As I’m panting, catching my breath, Jefferson withdraws his fingers and his mouth moves taking my nipple in his mouth. He sucks gently before biting down. I moan and grunt, my body writhing underneath. I thrust my chest up, trying to release some tension, but with no luck. He releases only to take my other nipple in his mouth. My nails claw at his back, pleading for relief.
His jaw slacks leaving me panting, my chest heaving.
“Fuck me…please!” I beg him.
Jefferson silently grabs a condom from the nightstand and stands pulling me to him.
I watch as he forcefully enters me making me moan loudly. His body is silhouetted in the darkened room, lit only by the last remaining light from outside and the city lights. It’s perfect for a picture, but the camera’s too far away.
My hands go to my thighs, holding them back to allow Jefferson deeper access. He grabs my legs to steady himself as he thrusts into me. His hand comes across my left cheek hard three times and moves to my throat. I watch him as he takes what he wants from me, me giving it freely. His left hand lets go of my leg and grabs my wrist, pinning it to the bed above my head. His right hand follows shortly.
He leans in closer to me, fucking me harder and harder. He’s making what I call his “fierce fuck face” where he looks so intently at me, head cocked to the side, and he sucks in a cheek. Mmm…
He lets go of my hands and holds my face, kissing me deep. My fingers immediately go to my clit and quickly produce and orgasm. Jefferson withdraws and climbs on the bed and grabbing me to adjust. He enters me again and fucks me full force.
His hand moves to my mouth; his fingers probing and exploring. His hands hold my mouth open wide, stretching my jaw, and he leans close spitting into my mouth (hey, we swap spit with kissing, so it's not that odd). He does it again a few more times before inserting 2 fingers for me to suck on. He adds a third and I suck on those. Then a 4th and my mouth is really full. He sneaks his thumb in there but it stretches my jaw too wide. It hurts too much so I tug at his hand, needing him to take it out. He gets the signal and withdraws his hand. I clench my jaw just to feel it closed then I keep moaning from the fucking.
Our fierce fucking eventually makes its way to gentle love making. Jefferson holds me close for awhile as we silently gaze at each other, our bodies gently rocking.
At some point he pulls out and I groan, stretching out my legs and move to take a sip of my water.
“So, it occurred to me when nervous cute boy was here that you’ve never seen Blue Velvet” Jefferson says to me.
“How so?”
“Well, when I wanted to sing into a lamp, you didn’t get it.”
“Oh.” Still don’t, lol.
“So I thought we’d watch that tonight if that’s Ok with you.”
”Of course!”
“Would you care for some popcorn to go with?”
“Ooh, yes!”
“Well, I’ll be right back then.”
He leaves to get the popcorn and I pop in the bathroom before meeting him in the kitchen needing to refill my water. Ok, that’s a lie. I wanted a kiss. Lol.
We retreat back to the bedroom, popcorn, bourbon, and water in hand. Jefferson pops in the movie and we settle in close under the covers, the popcorn bowl between us.
I take a bite of the popcorn as the opening credits start rolling. It’s a little over cooked, and I smile to myself, but I don’t say anything and just put any really gray/brown pieces in a tissue next to me.
“Just so you know though, we’ll have to stop for SNL. Kevin Spacey is on tonight for the season finale” Jefferson warns me.
“Oh I love Kevin Spacey!”
“Me too. He’s so handsome, I’d totally fuck him”
“Me too! We should definitely do a threesome!”
“Right?” he says, laughing.
We watch the movie until 11:30 (not finishing it, and leaving a very odd movie’s ending up in the air!) to turn on SNL. We laugh to Kevin Spacey and the other skits, I do little dancing to Nelly Furtado, and we argue over who’s better: Letterman or Leno; we settle on Connan.
When SNL ends, Jefferson asks me “You’re not really going to go all the way home now, are you?”
“Not if you don’t want me to” I say.
I certainly wanted to stay, but I wasn’t going to just invite myself.
“No, I want you to stay” he says to me.
“Yay” I say smiling.
Jefferson shuts off the TV and turns off the light. I turn to my side and Jefferson spoons me tight from behind. I hear him drift off first, but I’m not far behind as I fall asleep to the sound of his steady breath and the city sounds from outside.
Technorati Tags: sex blog, sex, oral sex, orgasm, BDSM, bisexual, D/s, S&M, SNL, Kevin Spacey, Blue Velvet
Created by
6/10/2006 03:06:00 AM
1 love notes
Categories: biting, bondage, dominance, fingering, food, Jefferson, movie, oral sex, Sex Story, submission, TV
Fav Male Porn Star
Ok, so I did my fav female celeb, and instead of just doing my favorite male celeb next, I thought it'd be more fun to do my favorite male porn star! Lol.
It'd be the sexy Englishman, Mr. Mark Davis. Don't let the sweet looking face and kind manners fool you... he's quite the dom. The lead Dom at Sex and Submission, he was the sole reason for my subscription to the site for so many months (only discontinued for financial reasons).
He's soo scrumptious. Like really. And, hello- British accent!!!
But check out his work, it speaks for itself!
I'm so turned on by him I've actually considered for a half-second applying to shoot for this company, just to have him fuck me. Only thing stopping me the is fear of being on film (which presses every body issue button). But that fear can only last so long...lol.
Technorati Tags: porn, Mark Davis, BDSM, sex, Sex and submission, D/s, S&M, porn star
Created by
6/10/2006 01:05:00 AM
love notes
Categories: celebrities, fun things, porn stars
Perhaps Someone's Feeling Generous Out There??
Well, it's a long shot...but if you haven't noticed, I posted 2 links to Wish Lists, the WishFish one containing most of what I oogle over in my online window shopping.
But- at the top of my list? The Pink Crystal Crop from Agent Provacateur (my muse and dream wardrobe!)
How sexy is that?! If you ask me, any young, glamourous Domme (comme moi) needs to have this!
If there's anyone out there who's feeling generous and frisky and wanting to purchase this (or anything from my wishlist) as a lovely gift, please do e-mail me at avahsascent@gmail.com for details!
Hey- a girl can dream, can't she? And there are only 167 more days until Christmas- why not start (and give!) early?? Lol.
Technorati Tags: Shopping, Crop, Domme, Agent Provacateur, WishList
Created by
6/10/2006 12:06:00 AM
love notes
Categories: fun things
09 June 2006
Jack the Cat Trees Bear
WEST MILFORD, N.J. Jun 9, 2006 (AP)— A black bear picked the wrong New Jersey yard for a jaunt earlier this week, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree twice.
Jack, a 15-pound orange-and-white cat, keeps a close vigil on his property, chasing small animals when he can, but his owners and neighbors say his latest escapade was surprising.
"We used to joke, 'Jack's on duty,' never knowing he'd go after a bear," cat owner Donna Dickey told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Friday's newspapers.
Neighbor Suzanne Giovanetti first spotted Jack's accomplishment after her husband saw a bear climb a tree on the edge of their northern New Jersey home's back yard on Sunday. Giovanetti thought Jack was simply looking up at the bear, but soon realized the much larger animal was afraid of the hissing cat.
After about 15 minutes peering down at the cat from the tree, the bear descended and tried to run away, only to have Jack chase it up another tree.
At this point Dickey, who feared for her cat, called Jack back home and the bear scurried back to the woods.
"He doesn't want anybody in his yard," Dickey said.
Bear sightings are not unusual in West Milford, which experts consider one of the state's most bear-populated areas.
Information from: The Star-Ledger, http://www.nj.com/starledger
Courtesy of ABC News
Tags: NJ, cat, bear, cat treed bear, news
Created by
6/09/2006 09:50:00 PM
love notes
Categories: fun things
Mmm, my Celeb Crush
So Fleshbot had an article about how Scarlett Johansson was voted as having the best breasts. I would seriously have to concur with that.
She is so delicious I would kill to dive between those creamy white legs...oh my!
And those plump, juicy lips of hers just beg to be sucked and nibbled.
Oh goodness!
If only I were a gay man... then I could be so lucky!
So dish- who's your favorite celeb crush! Leave a comment and let me know!!
Tags: Scarlett Johansson,Celeb crush, bisexual, lesiban sex
Created by
6/09/2006 06:29:00 PM
love notes
Categories: celebrities, fun things
08 June 2006
HNT #3
I showed Jefferson this picture first, among a bunch, to see which I should post for today, and this was his reponse: "That back really makes me want to fuck you--and I mean, like now." Could I really go with any other picture??
Tags: HNT, naked, sex
Created by
6/08/2006 01:04:00 PM
love notes
07 June 2006
I'm in the mood for some shopping...
Author's note: See, before my blog, I wasn't getting any sex. Now maybe I'm getting too much (if there is such a thing!) because I can't keep up with writing it all! I know, I know, I'm like 3 weeks behind and so much happens that it's hard to catch up! Not to mention I'm not to disciplined about writing...but I just want to deliver the best stuff for my readers!
So Monday came around and Chore Boy was due again to finish his cleaning.
That's what I dubbed him. He never offered his name, and I didn't really care to ask.
He arrived promptly and cleaned just as fast. As I was inspecting the work, it became obvious what his motivation was.
He starts undoing my pants, and since he’s finished cleaning, I allow him to eat me out and make me cum.
(If you don’t reward your subs for good behavior, they get discouraged and act out to get your attention. They’re like children, really…)
He wants to fuck me now. He’ll do anything.
"Well, I’m in the mood for some shopping” I tell him.
“What did you need?”
“Sex toys”
I see him grow harder instantly.
“What kind of sex toys?”
“Well, I need some butt plugs, a dildo, harness, whips, crops, handcuffs, blindfold, gag…umm…anything else I see that appeals to me.”
“And will you use it on me?”
“Of course.”
“What will you do?” he asks while playing with himself.
I’m ready to go, but decide to indulge him.
“Well, I’ll handcuff your hands to the bed, fuck you with my strap on, and use my flogger on your ass after.”
“So you’d better save that for later” I say, indicating to the cock in his hand.
"Ok, I’m ready” I say, standing and pulling my pants up.
We get in the car and I direct him to the store. We walk in, and I start in the kinky section. It's minimal, but I make it work. I pull items off the shelf that interest me, hand it to my sub (and not even glancing at the price tag!).
I grab a crop, blindfold, and cuffs before examining the wall of dildos and harnesses. Having done my research, I knew I wanted a 4-strap one, not the thong kind. They have only one like that, but it's cute, with a little corset like thing in the back. Then I pick out a dildo for it. A nice big one. With balls.
Gotta love it!
Then I grab 2 butt plugs, a tiny, tiny one and a regular size one. I realize I also need handcuffs and search for them. My eye spots this nice glass dildo and I grab it, always enjoying the allure of glass pieces. I want a ball gag too, but don't like the one the store has.
Mid-shopping, the lady working there hands me a Femdom DVD saying we might be interested in it. I take it and thank her, laughing to myself about what this scene looks like.
Picture a dark, dingy sex shop and in walk a man and woman. A very young looking woman with a much older looking man. She's walking around picking things off the shelf and handing them to him as he says attached to her hip. Love it! :-D
I grab a few last minutes trinkets- handcuffs and lube, and we head to the counter to check out. She rings up the stuff and I watch the total climb...$100...$200...$300...$400...$448. Hehehe.
He hands the woman his card, followed with his I.D.
"You look good for your age" she tells him.
We take our bags to the car, me waiting for him to open the door for me.
As he speeds home, I ask him "How old are you anyways?"
"Does it matter?"
"I'm 40."
"Well, yeah, you do look good for your age then."
We get back to the house and he carries the packages in. I direct him to the bedroom and start to open all the packages. He's mauling me, trying to pull my clothes off.
"Relax! I need to open the packages!" I yell at him. I wipe a little drool from the corner of my mouth as I play with my new toys. Lol.
"Ok, get naked" I tell him once I've opened everything. Once he undresses I instruct him to lay on the bed as I undress. I start by kissing him and grabs the glass dildo using it on me. I stop him though after a few minutes, not terribly excited by it.
"I want to tie you up now" I tell him, pulling out the handcuffs.
"Oh, not those" he says. Jesus.
"Ok, how bout these?" I say pulling out the rope ones.
"Um, sure." I loop the bindings through the headboard, and attach his wrists.
Then I grab the tiny butt plug and lube and move down to play with his ass. I open the bottle of lube and pour out a bit on my finger and rub it over his hole before pouring more over the plug and getting it all slick. I tease the outside and slowly start pushing it in, watching his face for his reaction. I pause when I feel his muscles tighten and wait for them to relax. I eventually push it all the way in.
I move to the top of him and position myself over his face. I let him eat me out for awhile until I come, then I grab a condom, roll it on and climb on top. I ride him for awhile, grabbing on the headboard for support. His face bugs me for some reason, so I grab the blindfold and place it over his eyes. After a bit we switch up positions and I let him fuck me from behind.
His style is, um, different? Well, it's not very good. He doesn't really thrust. He like wiggles his hips back and forth. I don't know. It's weird.
When I've had enough I tell him to lay on the bed, I want to whip him now.
"You'll be gentle with me won't you?" he asks me.
"Yes, of course" Dude- it's a fucking whip, how gentle do you really expect it?
"And, please, no marks" Grrr... I use my little whip on his ass until he's had enough, which doesn't take long. But I don't get to try out my new crop today :( He hasn't cum yet, so I fuck his ass with the dildo while jerking him off until he comes on his stomach.
He goes to rinse off and I hand him the toys to clean as well. I dress quickly and see him out to the car, throwing away all the packages from today.
What I'm really in the mood for is a real man who can take a good beating and ass fucking. I mean, if I can take it, why can't others? Geesh!
Tags: Shopping, sex, submission, dominance, Femdom, oral sex
Created by
6/07/2006 02:20:00 PM
love notes
Categories: blindfolded, Chore Boy, dominance, femdom, oral sex, sex, shopping, submission
02 June 2006
100 Things About Me
100 Things About Me
1. I’m a shop-a-holic
2. It’s put me into almost $5k of credit card debt
3. I wish I could go back to escorting to pay it off in 1 month
4. I used to be an escort
5. But it was only for a couple of months, so I’m not all jaded and cynical
6. I love sex.
7. I lost my virginity at 17
8. I didn’t have sex again until I was 18, after high school
9. I never came from a guy until Apr 8 of this year with Jefferson.
10. I like sex with girls
11. I like group sex
12. I like being watched
13. I don’t really like totally random stranger sex
14. Sex gets better and better
15. I love anal sex now
16. I even come from it
17. I love being submissive
18. I love being submissive to Jefferson
19. I love being dominant
20. I love being dominant with Jefferson
21. I like fucking girls with my strap-on
22. I like fucking boys with my strap-on
23. I hate hearing my submissives say “No Marks”
24. I also hate hearing my submissives say “It’s too big, I can’t take it”
25. Sex gets me high. Really high.
26. Sub-space is amazing
27. So is top-space
28. Sex actually isn’t the only thing I think about.
29. I think about love and life a lot.
30. I love being in love- I’m a love-whore really. I want as much as possible
31. I like to give as much as possible too.
32. Van Gogh is my absolute favorite artist.
33. And impressionism/post-impressionism is my favorite style.
34. Musee d’Orsay is my favorite museum in the world.
35. But I still want to see Van Gogh’s in Amsterdam
36. Paris is my favorite city in the world
37. But I love New York
38. I think Tokyo’s subway system is one of the best.
39. Pink is my favorite color.
40. I love being a girly-girl.
41. I also like that I can fit in at a sports bar and follow almost any sport.
42. Baseball is my favorite sport.
43. I love the Yankees.
44. But I know they’re on a downward sucky slope.
45. I might convert to the Mets for a bit. Cause, ya know, they’re cool too.
46. Lacrosse is the best fucking sport of them all though.
47. I love playing, but it causes my back too much pain.
48. I’ve been to Tokyo 5 times.
49. I’ve been to Paris 3 times.
50. I’ve been to Venice, Florence, and Nice too.
51. London was my first trip out of the country; a decade ago.
52. I went to boarding school in New England for 2 years.
53. It sucked monkey butt.
54. People tell me I seem really mature.
55. I’m actually incredibly immature and it’s sometimes a struggle for me to not act it
56. I have a really bad sweet tooth
57. I used to weigh over 200 pounds when I was a freshman in high school.
58. I’m much less now, but still struggle with how I see myself
59. But when I’m with Jefferson, I never even think about it
60. I feel really beautiful and sexy when I’m with Jefferson
61. I do know I’m beautiful.
62. I don’t feel it every day though (especially on really humid days)
63. I dream of the day when I find a good man and he proposes to me.
64. I do want a princess cut stone.
65. I dream of my Jewish wedding with personalized kippahs, the huppah, and signing the ketubah.
66. I hate how weird Judaism is about being “officially” Jewish; cause I’m not
67. I wasn’t raised with any religion
68. But I observed both Christian and Jewish holidays all my life
69. Parts of my family tree go back the Revolutionary War
70. So I could join the DAR if I wanted
71. I love the Harry Potter books
72. I love cats and dogs
73. I love pizza, I would eat it every single day if I could
74. I love designer things
75. I love to learn
76. But I hate school.
77. I really have no idea what I want to do after school.
78. I have no idea what lies ahead for me in life
79. And I no longer have such concrete plans
80. Though, I’d still like 3 kids
81. And of course I have the names picked out.
82. I really want to go skydiving some day.
83. I really would love to be a fashion designer, but I’m afraid I won’t be good and original
84. I’m also afraid if I’m not famous, I won’t think I’m successful
85. I really want to be rich too
86. I don’t think I ever want to give up this sex life I’m having now
87. I like orgies and having lots of different kinds of partners.
88. I now question if I even want a monogamous marriage in the future
89. I’m petrified of the idea of getting divorced
90. I have a really hard time making friends
91. Because I’m pretty shy and my insecurity gets the best of me a lot
92. I don’t have a best-friend, and I really miss having one
93. There is someone I’m very in love with
94. And I’m afraid of when I’ll eventually have to let go of him- whenever it is, 1 year, 10 years or 20
95. I have a girl crush too- I really look up to her. I think she’s so amazing
96. My money issues make me cry almost daily right now.
97. If I do become really rich, I already know I’m going to spend a lot of money on charity and getting things for other people (not just myself)
98. I really don’t find anything wrong with sex, sexuality, or sex jobs, but my mom (and society) makes me doubtful sometimes
99. Smart people, athletic people, and musicians are sexy.
100. This is only the tip of the ice berg….
Created by
6/02/2006 04:51:00 PM
love notes
Categories: about me, fun things, survey